The Electrification of School Building Heating Loads
Meeting the climate goals set forth by NS Provincial Government requires significant reductions in GHG emissions across government owned buildings. The building decarbonization strategy of the electrification of heating loads presents a major opportunity as well as many challenges for achieving those reductions.
This presentation will provide a client lead problem statement for existing school buildings heating load electrification. We will speak on the scale of the challenge, the common heating systems found in schools and the heating load breakdown. The presentation will discuss the needs, opportunities, and constraints Regional Centre’s for Education face when attempting to electrify the heating loads of existing buildings.
Alexi Karamanos
Alexi started as an Energy Manager with EfficiencyOne in August of 2023. His client portfolio includes Annapolis Valley, South Shore, and Tri-county Regional Centres for Education. Prior to EfficiencyOne, Alexi worked as an Energy Advisor, performing Energy audits for the Greener homes, Home Energy Assessment, and HomeWarming Programs.
Tom Kendell
Tom joined Efficiency One as an Energy Manager in June 2021. He is works with the Halifax Regional Centre for Education Operations Services Department. Tom has his CET and CEM and has been working in energy efficiency and building performance for the last 12 years in both the residential and C&I sectors.
Chris Ranson
Chris started as an Energy Manager with EfficiencyOne back in May of 2024. His client portfolio includes the Strait Area, Cape Breton/Victoria, and Chignecto Regional Center’s for Education. Chris is a certified Industrial Electrician that has spent the last 16 years managing engineering, operations, and trades business units across several different industries (energy, defence, pharmaceutical, pulp & paper, oil & gas).
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